Event Stream
Events on MEV-Share are distributed via an Server-Sent Events (SSE) streaming endpoint. Searchers listen to this endpoint to receive a stream of new events, which contain data they can use in their bundles. Currently, the events refer to Ethereum transactions.
Subscribe to the stream by making an HTTP GET request on the stream endpoint. The mev-share-client-ts library implements this as an asynchronous event handler.
- mev-share-client-ts
- mev-share-client-rs
- curl
import MevShareClient, { IPendingTransaction, IPendingBundle } from '@flashbots/mev-share-client'
const mevShareClient = MevShareClient.useEthereumMainnet(authSigner)
const txHandler = mevShareClient.on("transaction", async (tx: IPendingTransaction) => {
Do something with the pending tx here.
const bundleHandler = mevShareClient.on("bundle", async (tx: IPendingBundle) => {
Do something with the pending bundle here.
// call before your program terminates:
// Loading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paradigmxyz/mev-share-rs/main/examples/sse.rs ...
curl https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net
This will block until terminated manually (CTRL-C).
data: {"hash":"0xc7dc06c994400830054ab815732d91275bc1241f9be62b62b687b7882f19b8d4","logs":null,"txs":[{"to":"0x0000c335bc9d5d1af0402cad63fa7f258363d71a","functionSelector":"0x696d2073","callData":"0x696d20736861726969696969696e67"}]}
Events currently represent pending transactions, but eventually may be expanded to support other event types. For this reason we refer to this endpoint as an event stream, rather than a transaction stream.
Event Stream Endpoints
Network | URL |
Mainnet | https://mev-share.flashbots.net |
Goerli | https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net |
Holesky | https://mev-share-holesky.flashbots.net |
Sepolia | https://mev-share-sepolia.flashbots.net |
The endpoint sends an event with the message :ping
every 15 seconds if no other messages were sent in the last 15 seconds.
Event Scheme
Events dispatched via the SSE endpoint are JSON-encoded objects that adhere to the following scheme:
hash: string,
logs?: LogParams[],
txs: Array<{
hash?: string,
callData?: string,
functionSelector?: string,
to?: string,
from?: string,
value?: string,
maxFeePerGas?: string,
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string,
nonce?: string,
chainId?: string,
accessList?: Array<{
address: string,
storageKeys: string[]
gas?: string,
type?: string
Param | Type Info | Description |
hash | Hex-string | Double-hashed transaction hash, or, bundle hash |
logs | Array of JSON-encoded events | Event logs emitted by executing the transaction. |
txs | Array of JSON objects | Transactions from the event. Will only be one if event is a transaction, otherwise event is a bundle. |
txs.hash | Hex-string | Transaction hash. |
txs.callData | Hex-string | Calldata of the transaction. |
txs.functionSelector | Hex-string | 4-byte function selector. |
txs.to | Hex-string | Transaction recipient address. |
txs.from | Hex-string | Transaction sender address. |
txs.value | Hex-string | Value transferred in the transaction. |
txs.gasLimit | Hex-string | Gas limit of the transaction. |
txs.maxFeePerGas | Hex-string | Maximum fee per gas of the transaction. GasFeeCap |
txs.maxPriorityFeePerGas | Hex-string | Maximum priority fee per gas of the transaction. GasTipCap |
txs.nonce | Hex-string | Nonce of the transaction. |
txs.chainId | Hex-string | Chain ID of the transaction. |
txs.accessList | Array of JSON objects | Access list of the transaction. |
txs.accessList.address | Hex-string | Address in the access list. |
txs.accessList.storageKeys | Array of hex-strings | Storage keys in the access list. |
txs.gas | Hex-string | Gas limit of the transaction. |
txs.type | Hex-string | Type of the transaction. |
Note that each of these properties are optional; if a field is not present, it means that the transaction sender chose not to share that information.
Below is an example of a transaction event received from the stream:
Understanding double-hash
Note that the hash
field is actually a keccak256 hash of the underlying bundle/transaction hash, essentially a double-hash.
Below is code-snippet in golang to calculate double-hash for testing purposes.
package main
import (
func main() {
underlyingHash := common.HexToHash("0xd2d662b8aa0e8d86ea75d363522c9ede42ef538ae353da564d501c044a885293")
doubleHasher := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
dHash := doubleHasher.Sum(nil)
matchingHash := common.BytesToHash(dHash)
fmt.Println(matchingHash.String()) //prints 0x90b4f5664cc201c3aa112d6bb2fa414c4aee10f00994692b282c1d14a1db6e4d
Now that you've started listening to transactions, you're almost ready to start searching! Read on to the next page to learn about bundles.
Historical Data
Historical hints can be retrieved from the historical hint API supported by the event stream endpoint. Each hint is associated with a block number and timestamp. Block number is the latest Ethereum block number at the time the hint was generated. Timestamp is the timestamp at the time the hint was generated.
GET /api/v1/history/info
Returns information about the available historical hint data.
Field | Type | Description |
count | number | The number of historical hints available. |
minBlock | number | The earliest block number for which historical hints are available. |
maxBlock | number | The latest block number for which historical hints are available. |
minTimestamp | number | The earliest timestamp for which historical hints are available. |
maxTimestamp | number | The latest timestamp for which historical hints are available. |
maxLimit | number | The maximum number of historical hints that can be requested in a single request. |
GET /api/v1/history
Query Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
blockStart (optional) | number | The block number to start retrieving historical hints from. |
blockEnd (optional) | number | The block number to end retrieving historical hints from. |
timestampStart (optional) | number | The timestamp to start retrieving historical hints from. |
timestampEnd (optional) | number | The timestamp to end retrieving historical hints from. |
limit (optional) | number | The maximum number of historical hints to retrieve. Default limit is maxLimit . |
offset (optional) | number | The offset to start retrieving historical hints from. |
Returns an array of historical hints.
Field | Type | Description |
block | number | The block number associated with the historical hint. |
timestamp | number | The timestamp associated with the historical hint. |
hint | Hint | Hint as it was sent to the live streaming endpoint in the past. |
Get information about historical hint data
curl https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history/info
"count": 20146,
"minBlock": 9091377,
"maxBlock": 9143624,
"minTimestamp": 1685452445,
"maxTimestamp": 1686225251,
"maxLimit": 500
Get historical event data beginning at start of stream history
curl https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history
Get historical hint data from a specific block range
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&blockEnd=9091379'
"block": 9091377,
"timestamp": 1685452445,
"hint": {
"txs": [
"to": "0x8d460b72eaf3d63830e16c22d1fc6908d0834abe",
"callData": "0x",
"functionSelector": "0x00000000"
"hash": "0x50df4922dd5f9adee91d44119132da85b50fe61f0c77556b039261f7828e1794",
"logs": null,
"gasUsed": "0x5208",
"mevGasPrice": "0x3b9aca00"
"block": 9091379,
"timestamp": 1685452489,
"hint": {
"txs": null,
"hash": "0x40a85a6e37b449033924da72c0cf9dabcf2ac726b5a88f0ceff330f11bd01913",
"logs": null,
"gasUsed": "0xaae60",
"mevGasPrice": "0x45a9b5b00"
Querying with Offset & Limit
Event history results are returned in chunks whose size are defined by limit
, the maximum limit being specified in the /history/info
# assuming the limit is 500
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377'
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&offset=500'
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&offset=1000'
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&offset=1500'
# or with a custom limit
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&limit=100'
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&limit=100&offset=100'
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&limit=100&offset=200'
curl 'https://mev-share-goerli.flashbots.net/api/v1/history?blockStart=9091377&limit=100&offset=300'